Event Highlights:
Informative Programs
o Learn about the latest on the Alfalfa Checkoff Program
o Discover updates on the new alfalfa crop insurance program
o Join us for the 39th Annual Meeting
Forage Exhibitors & Networking Opportunities
o Connect with top forage exhibitors and producers
Complimentary Dinner
o Enjoy a delicious meal on us!
Fundraising Auction
o Back by popular demand! Support the alfalfa association and take home something special
Either Big Red 3 OR Big Red 4-Bidder's Choice
Hunt includes: lodging for 1 night, meals (2), weapons, ammo & 2 hrs flight/hunt time
2025 NFR Gold Buckle Tickets - Excellent Seats
2 Rolls Pritchett New Wrap 64"x8000'
Mini Refrigerator for you shop. Stinger hats, shirts & miscellaneous items!!
Standard Design with name, phone, phone/text icon. Includes HayBoard Banner, Blizzard Strap Kit, USPS Ground Advantage shipping, sales tax.
4 Bags HybriForce 4400 Alfalfa Seed